Friday, May 6


Launch on May 20 at 4.30pm at
Wharf 2 at the Sydney Theatre Company 
It will be a thrill to see my story 'out there.'
And to see my name in print.

And it will be such a thrill to be at the book launch at the Sydney Writers Festival.

The UTS Anthology The Life You chose and that chose you is out (soon).

I am - of course - biased and think the book looks great.

I believe I may burn the letters of each word of my story Middle Brother by reading it so many times.


Celebrations aside, the fact that a university is prepared to put time and money to produce such a professional publication is heartening.

There are limited avenues for writers and to be included in something so smart and worth reading is - well, it is a thrill.

But I 've said that already - many times.

See for yourself - check out

I know, I know. But I can't help cheering - and clapping.


  1. Is this a 'figment' of my imagination....don't think so!!...and in the voice of Master Po from kung fu...'well done tall one'....can't wait for more!!! (with me in it of course)
    byron beach buddy xxxx

  2. And my next story will be called What Karen Ode Did Next?

  3. ...and I will of course be sueing you for plaerism, if I could only spell it

  4. Who says you cant tell a book by its cover....which does look great! congrats!!!

  5. Well done Suzanna! When is the book launch? I'd like to come along if I can! Woot, woot!

  6. May 20 Zena at 4.30pm. It is in SWF program. Yes Mike the cover looks good doesn't it . . but then I am bound to say that.
