Monday, December 27


Wazza helps out Santa at Federal pre-school 

There are times in life . . . not many, when words fail.

Last week at the funeral of a friend, I struggled to find the right words; words that were meaningful to me, to his family and to the two young children he left behind.

I listened to stories about Warren's adventures - the ones I knew and the ones I had never heard of until his funeral.

In the end- it was the simple words that held us together.

Like when Waz was Santa's helper on his ride-on mower, his sailing trips and how he loved to dress up for a party at the hall.
Of the way he teased and joked his way in and out of life.

We sat around the village hall, our plastic chairs pulled close together, and shared our stories, long into the night.

The conversations were deep even though the words were small.


  1. Words help at such times. I was at a wake recently where a microphone was left set up so that anyone was able to share their story. I think some people spoke who never normally spoke in public but found the courage.

  2. funny that you picked this photo Susanna, it is a very fond memory of mine as well. I think the words last week were all about sharing memories that had meant something to us all in a personal way. Heather.

  3. Thank you for this. Sometimes words cannot adequately express our feelings. x
